Mesothelioma Cancer Awareness

A message from our friends at

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer. One of the primary mesothelioma causes is asbestos exposure. The cancer develops in the mesothelium, a protective membrane that lines three body cavities: the thoracic cavity (pleura), abdominal cavity (peritoneum) and the heart sac (pericardium).

A mesothelioma patient’s prognosis, or the probable course and outcome of a disease’s influence on the body, is influenced by numerous factors. Since a mesothelioma diagnosis often occurs once the cancer has progressed to later stages of development, prognosis is typically poor. However if a patient is diagnosed before the cancer has spread or elects to undergo treatment to combat the cancer, their prognosis may improve.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring toxic mineral that was commonly used throughout the 20th century in thousands of products and many industries. Asbestos is naturally resistant to heat and fire, making it ideal for use in insulation. The mineral was often used in insulation and the fine, flexible fibers were frequently mixed with cement and woven into fabrics. Exposure to asbestos can result in the development of serious illnesses such as malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The End

It's been little over a week since I finished radiation. As expected, my skin all around the incision is red, dry and it hurts like heck. It actually looks like cooked flesh, really disgusting! I've been taking oxycodone, a lot of it... All it does is make me feel loopy, and takes the edge off the pain.

My last radiation was on the 28th. Brian's family was still here, so we all went out for dinner to celebrate...the big event. It still hasn't registered to my brain.
It feels strange not to have to go for treatment every day. I started at the beginning of October! I would almost say I miss it, but my pain keeps me well grounded! :-)

I'm thinking I should close this blog and start a new one. This one has served its purpose. It has been a way for me to vent during my entire treatment. Now I don't really want to talk about cancer anymore. At the end I did feel that I had reached my limit, now I'm glad it's over. I want it all behind me as I start the new year, hopefully a better one.

I am so grateful to all of you for reading this blog and keeping me in your prayers. I know there were times that it was only those prayers that carried me through. I'm so thankful for all those e-mails I received giving me hope and helping me hang in there, and all the help from family and friends who came to visit. It's great to have people that care about you and are willing to go the extra mile to keep you going too. I couldn't have done it without you.

That's all for now. I'll be back with any updates, good or bad. :-)

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